Amaron High Life Lube - ONE POINT LESSION (OPL)

What is Lubricant ?

When there are two surfaces which are in mutual contact with each other causes friction, wear, and tear at time of movement. It also generates heat due to friction. This phenomenon creates material loss and sometimes breakdown.

Substance which form a thin film between to moving surfaces to avoid friction, wear and tear and make movement very easy is called as Lubricant.

Lubricants can be Solid, Liquid, Semi-solid in terms applications.

e.g. While playing carrom boards, boric powder is added and friction between board surfaces and carrom men – Striker reduced.

In Automotive engines, Engine oil is used as lubricant for engine parts which reduces friction and provides better performance to Engine.


How lubricant is made?

Lubricant is a composition of Base oils and Additives. The composition changes as per their applications.

Approx composition of base oils and additives,

Automotive Engine Oil – 80 % Base Oil + 20 % Additives (Approx)

Automotive Gear Oils – 90 % Base Oil + 10 % Additives (Approx)

Base oil – Base oils are byproducts of fractionate from petroleum refineries. It’s further classified as Mineral and Synthetic.

Mineral Base Oil – Derived from crude oil can be further processed. These are GROUP-I and GROUP-II base oils fractioned as per viscosity cut.

Synthetic Base Oil – These are man-made or synthesized as per requirement or processing over mineral base oil. These are esters, Poly alpha olefinic Oil (PAO), Group III base oils.

So, Lubricants are served in terms of their base oil stocks like mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic (Mineral + Synthetic). So chose wisely your engine oil.

Amaron High Life Lubes are crafted with high quality base oils and additives that provides unmatched performance.

Synthetic engine oils have advantages over mineral and semi synthetic oils in terms,

  • Enhanced fuel economy
  • Less sludge formation to keep engine clean all time.
  • Higher antioxidant compared to mineral oil
  • Greater engine protection


In laymen language, one can mean flow, thickness.

Viscosity is resistance to flow. It can be co-relate with stickiness, thickness. The SI unit of kinematic viscosity is square meter per second (m2/s)

Let’s take example of  Water and Honey to understand :

Water flows or moves faster than honey as its thinner than honey as its resistance is low, so low viscous.

In other terms, Honey flows slower than water as its thicker, high resistance to flow, so high viscous.

In other words, swirl spoon in water and honey. Incase of honey you will required more efforts as honey is viscous than water.

So it concludes,

Higher viscous – higher the viscosity

Lower viscous – lower viscosity


Multigrade and Monograde Oils

Viscosity is related to temperature. Temperature increases viscosity decreases and vice-versa.

Hence, temperature plays a crucial role in viscosity management.

Mono-grade oils:

Mono – single. Such oils works only in specific temperatures. As temperatures varies, its viscosity changes. So , there is requirement of changing oils with the seasons or changes in temperatures like Winter and Summer grade.

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has defined monograde and multigrades as per viscosity charts.

For Monograde viscosity for winters its like SAE 10W,20W, 80W etc. and for summer grades SAE 40,50 , 60, 90 etc.

W- stands for winter.

Hence as per temperature condition, its required to change oil.

Multigrade Oil:

Multi grade oil comprises both winter grade and summer grade viscosity. So, no need to change oil as per seasons or temperatures. These oils are suitable for wide range temperatures. Such oils resist change in oil viscosities against temperatures.

e.g 10W-30, 10W-40, 5W-40, 5W-30, 0W-20, 80W-90, 85W-140 etc

Most of automotive oils are multigrade oils.


How to change your engine oil ?

To work efficiently your engine needs lubrication with engine oil. Suitable engine oil will keep your engine in good conditions. Oil get used while you run your car / bike and throughout lubrication cycle. Its quantity get reduced after a certain kilometer you drive.  Engine oil has many function in engine like cooling, cleaning, protection and most important avoid friction.  One must check engine oil level in a couple of months.

Its very easy to check engine oil, follow below steps-

  • Open engine bonnet and look for this yellow color oil level dip stick.
  • Pull out dip stick
  • Oil level should be up to top two lines
  • Check for oil color
  • If the oil has turned black, it’s time to change.

Don’t run your car with low oil and black colored oil, which may have serius damages on engine parts.

Keep changing your engine oil as per regular maintenance and drain interval as suggested by vehicle OEM service book.

Also, change oil filter at every oil change activity to have maximum benefits and keep your oil sludge free.

Amaron Hi-Life Pro full synthetic engine oil provides a complete cleaning of your engine all time.


Why Engine Oil turns Black?

New engine oils are yellow to brown in color as they don’t have any contaminants. Once , its in motor its runs through cycle of engines processes. It get in contact with contaminants, soot due it detergency property and clean all dark side of engine interior as get black in color over time. So darker oil doesn’t always means wear and tear or oil burnt it may because of good detergency of oil additives.

Soot get formed in engine due to combustion of fuel that get suspended in oil through prolong use and turns oil into black.

All contaminants get filtered into oil filter and filtered oil goes back into system. So that’s why its always recommended to change oil filter during oil change.


How to choose best engine oil for car / Bike?

Engine oil works as blood for your vehicle engine. Engine can’t function without desirable engine oil. It plays many vital functions protection against wear-tear, cleaning, cooling and many more.

Any wrong recommendation can cause sever impact on engine and engine parts.

So, choosing correct engine oil is very critical and important for the vehicle owner.

Engine oil selection is based on its specification designed by OEM – Vehicle manufacturer while designing of engine. These are

  • SAE – Society of Automotive engineers Viscosity

5W-30, 5W-40, 10W-30, 10W-40 , 15W-40

  • API – American Petroleum Institute
Petrol Diesel Gear
SL, SM, SN, SP CF, CH, CI, CJ, CK GL-4, GL-5
  • ACEA – Association des Constructeurs Europeens de l’ Automobile Grades
High Ash Low ash
A3B4, A5B5 C1, C2, C3, C4, C5


  • OEM Grades – VW, MB, GM,BMW
  • JASO  – Japanese Automotive Standards Organization
Gear Gear-less


  • ILSAC – International Lubricants Standardization and Approval Committee


*Oil should be chosen as per OEM recommendation

Amaron Hi-life Lube provides all ranges of oil specification in FLO and PRO Categories.

Choose Amaron Hi-Life Lube and give your vehicle engine to new life.

What is 4-stroke cycle of Engine?

Internal combustion (IC) – Fuel is ignited in order to generate power inside engine chambers.
In 4-stroke engines, power is generated by using 4 cycles as follows:

Stroke Engine

Intake /Suction

Intake valve is opened and fuel is taken into combustion chamber . Exhaust valve is closed.



Both intake and exhaust valve is closed and air-fuel mixture is compressed by piston in upward pressure



In case of Gasoline fuel, compressed fuel ration get ignited by spark plug and piston get pushed downward with blast. Incase Diesel fuel, its get burned naturally and no spark plug required. Both Intake and Outlet valve is closed.



Only exhaust valve get opened and by upstroke of piston , exhaust gases get passed out.

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